Bianchi universe

1. History

The Bianchi universes are based on the Bianchi classification of $3$-manifolds (or more generally any manifold) into homogeneous ones, which was done by Luigi Bianchi in 1898 in his paper Sugli spazii a tre dimensioni che ammettono un gruppo continuo di movimenti (On three-dimensional spaces which admit a continuous group of motions). This idea was later extended to spacetimes

2. Topology

Bianchi universes have the topology $\mathbb R \times G$, with $G$ a $3$-dimensional Lie group.

3. Metrics and coordinates

The metric of Bianchi universes is of the form

$$ds^2 = -dt^2 + h_t$$

with $h_t$ a family of left-invariant Riemannian metric on the group $G$, parametrized by $t$.

4. Tensor quantities

5. Symmetries

All Bianchi universes are homogeneous, with the usual translation Killing vectors for their appropriate topology (for instance $\partial_x$, $\partial_y$, $\partial_z$

6. Stress-energy tensor

7. Curves

8. Equations

9. Causal structure

10. Asymptotic structure

11. Energy conditions

12. Limits and related spacetimes

13. Misc.
